Hope is Spreading

During the last several months while writing my new book, Hopelifter: Creative Ways to Spread Hope When Life Hurts, I experienced many challenging times and could never have made it through in my own strength. I learned to recognize God’s voice and rely on His unlimited power like never before.  Recently, I sensed Him leading…

photographer and hopelifter contributer starr ayers

Photographer and Hopelifter Contributor – Starr Ayers

I met Starr Ayers in 2011 when she flew in to attend my small group writer’s retreat weekend in Arizona because her friend, Erica, who had attended the previous year, invited her.  (This is a typical hopelifter lifestyle, to spread hope by sharing with others what we’ve experienced.) Starr’s passion for Jesus , for God’s…

Restoring Hope After Loss

 I’ve lost everything in a fire! My friend’s words jolted me when I received her call several years ago. Can you imagine having everything you own destroyed but your pink bathrobe and matching furry slippers?  Grateful to be unharmed and alive, she realized most of her tangible possessions could be replaced.  The recent Yarnell fire,…